日程和演讲嘉宾如有调整,请以现场实际为准。SSS为收费会议。Preliminary programme, subject to be changed.
现场SSS提供全场次中英同传翻译,f-cell仅部分场次提供。Simultaneously interpreting between English and Chinese will be provided by SSS,f-cell is only available some sessions.
Scan QR code to register.
日程和演讲嘉宾如有调整,请以现场实际为准。SSS为收费会议。 Preliminary programme, subject to be changed. -
现场SSS提供全场次中英同传翻译,f-cell仅部分场次提供。 Simultaneously interpreting between English and Chinese will be provided by SSS,f-cell is only available some sessions.
第六届上海-斯图加特汽车及动力系统国际研讨会(SSS 2022)两天的学术日程将邀请到5场主旨演讲,分别来自奥迪前董事会成员Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hackenberg,上汽大众汽车有限公司车辆研发执行总监周炜博士,比亚迪集团执行副总裁廉玉波博士,同济大学明平文教授和庞加斌教授。2日下午还将安排一场圆桌讨论,主题是“汽车工业工具包的未来发展与应用”。
SSS 2022 two-day lecture program offers 5 keynote speech from Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hackenberg, Dr. Zhou Wei, Vehicle Development Executive Director of SAIC Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd., Dr. Lian Yubo, Executive Vice President of BYD Group, Professor Ming Pingwen and Professor Pang Jiabin from Tongji University, as well as a panel discussion on the topic “Future Development and Application of Toolkits for the Automotive Industry” at the end of 2nd day.
9 breakout sessions combine 48 technical speech on the topic of “Fuel Cell”, “Hydrogen and e-fuel”, “Battery”, “Dynamics and Control of Intelligent Vehicle System”, “Functional safety of intelligent vehicle system”, “Test and Evaluation of Intelligent Vehicle System”, “Wind Tunnel and Measurement Technology”, “New Vehicle Development” and “Vehicle Aeroacoustics”.
欢迎扫描二维码进行参会注册,SSS为收费会议。Scan QR code to register.